At Ceremonia, we choose to identify with the term “Latinx,” rather than “Latino/a” or “Hispanic.” We align with its gender-neutral nature and its inclusion of all the cultures of Latin America—not just the ones that speak Spanish. We understand, however, that this is a personal choice. So many times, those of us with heritage stemming anywhere from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego are forced to use labels, check boxes and define ourselves with words that just don’t do our complex and nuanced identities justice. And yet, we try. According to the 2020 Census, the Hispanic/Latino population—of any race—grew the most in the past decade; a 23% increase compared to just a 4.3% increase in the Non-Hispanic/Latino population in the US.
So, in addition to already representing nearly 20% of the US population, the Hispanic/Latino demographic is also the fastest growing group in the US, expected to reach 111 million by 2060. In other words, the future reads Latinx—the future reads multidimensional. We’re here to celebrate the many layers of Latinx culture and to share it with the world. Our stories deserve to be represented authentically in the media, unlimited by the boundaries of a box.
We do however appreciate how “Latinx” is rising up as a new term amongst the younger demographics and being used as a way to describe the new generation of this community and its many facets.
We’ll be sharing stories of Latinx identity throughout the month, so watch this space. Meanwhile, we want to share some basics to know about the terms.

What’s the difference between Latinx and Hispanic?
In general, the term “Hispanic” refers to people who speak Spanish, including those from Spain and many Central, South American and Caribbean nations. “Latino/a” refers to any person with heritage from Latin America, including those who do not speak Spanish, like Brazilians, Haitians and Indigenous peoples. The term “Latino/a” is therefore generally considered more inclusive than “Hispanic,” and “Latinx” is a new, even more inclusive term as, by removing gender, it also takes into account the LGBTQ+ community.
What Latinx & Hispanic isn’t
Neither of the terms are definitive of a person’s race, color, accent, religion, hair or culture. Latinx is not a race, nor is it a hair type. Though there are many things shared amongst Latinx people, this is a multilayered community and not a monolith.
Is there a correct term?
While we as a brand choose to use the term “Latinx,” it’s important to acknowledge that there is not a right or wrong term and this is a highly personal choice. We affirm that choice and celebrate the diversity amongst us.