We hear over and over again from our curly community how most of us do not know how to actually style our natural curls in a nutritious way. For decades, we’ve been told by the beauty industry that the definition of a good hair day is straight hair. But the time has come for a hair revolution: one where everyone is empowered to rock their natural hair and unlock their healthiest hair yet, without toxins and hormonal disrupting ingredients commonly found in traditional hair care.
Introducing the Curl Challenge!
We’ve teamed up with our very own curl master, hairdresser Rene, to demystify the essential steps for unlocking your best natural curls. The good news is: the method is quick and easy to follow, with products that will nourish your curls from within!
TIP #1: Water Is Your Friend
Water is your friend, make sure you have a water bottle handy. It’s nature’s natural lubricant and it will allow your products to be evenly distributed throughout your hair. If you feel like you need to add more product into your hair you ultimately may just need to add more water that way you're working with purpose and not wasting any of your products.
Always go from lightest to heaviest when working with your products. That means starting with your water, a detangler, or our Acai Style Refresher to start.
Last but not least, try your best not to touch your hair until it is 100% dry. The reason for this is that our curls come in all different shapes and forms, and once you start to disturb your hair you're going to start to create frizz. So sit back, relax, and let your hair dry 100% before you do any touching of the hair to allow your hair to freely form without the frizz.

Once you brush through your water based products then you can move into your creams, your mousses, and lastly any oils as the final step, like our Oil Mist con Aloe Vera.
